The Mamamon Podcast Episode 7 –

“Kraamzorg” or What does a Postpartum Nurse do?

The Dutch concept of “Kraamzorg” means that moms are fully taken care of in the first 10 days after giving birth by a maternity or postpartum nurse.
This professional maternity care provider, or “help-mum”, stays with the families in those first days.
Unfortunately, on most other countries, parents-to-be are pretty much on their own in the days and weeks after coming home with their newborn. In those countries, fresh moms and dads need to organize their tribe like in the old days.
We talked to Delphine from who explains the concept of “Kraamzorg” to us, and gives loads of tipps about how to organize your tribe for those mums out there who are not in the Netherlands and don’t benefit from “Kraamzorg”.
If you’re preparing to have a baby, this one is for you!